My experience working with a coach
I didn’t totally know what to expect from working with a coach.
My coach is Katie Augustine. And she is fantastic to work with.
She’s helps me with personal stuff, and she is also a coach that helps me with my career and coaching practice.
Katie has helped create a structure for me that really works for me. I like that it keeps me positive and grateful. We think together about what I want. There’s an element of accountability. There’s an element of getting new thoughts, new thinking. Accessing support to do things differently is really energizing.
…. And it’s a catalyst. I am able to achieve more with less time.
There’s no arguing. That’s not a thing in coaching. But sometimes my own stuff does come up and that can be challenging. Katie gives me a choice to opt in or not. I notice things as they come up, and then I get to choose what I want to do with it. Sometimes it’s confronting. Sometimes it’s easy. Sometimes I leave stuff the way it is. And sometimes I move past it. It’s me time.
Coaching is different from therapy or counseling. While we acknowledge where we’ve come from, it is based on the present moment and forward thinking in coaching. I love this, and Katie really helps me to acknowledge where I’m at and really helps me stay focused on my vision, and then live in a way to come from the vision.
It’s my personal and professional wish for everyone to have a coach. It’s powerful. It’s not always fun, but it’s always powerful.
Thanks, Katie!